Arrivée de la vingtaine, remise en question.
Qu'ai-je fait de ma vie jusqu'alors ?
Quand on est jeune, on croit trop souvent que pour bien profiter de la vie, il faut "s'amuser" (notez bien la présence ici des guillemets, vous comprendrez par la suite).
Pour eux, s'amuser c'est la rue, la drogue, le sexe (les putes), l'argent facile, l'alcool...
Amis, j'accuse ici un manque total de conscience, et par dessus tout une totale ignorance.
Car après s'être éclaté la tête avec l'alcool, après avoir fumé son joint, après avoir baisé la pute et quand l'argent volé est épuisé, qu'est-ce qu'il vous reste ?
Ah ? Il vous reste quelque chose ? Non. Il ne vous reste rien.
Oh pardon, il y a méprise... Il vous reste quelque chose... Plusieurs même :
la solitude, la douleur des regrets et de la culpabilité, les MST ramassées en cours de route aux culs des putes, et toi, ton vide et ton mal-être.
Je suis venue ici faire le procès de cette idée, fausse et destructrice : NON, s'amuser ce n'est pas se détruire.
Investissons sur des valeurs sûres, nourrissons notre cerveau, servons nous de nos mains, pour enrichir notre vie et par là même celle d'autrui. On peut s'amuser sans abuser, aller en soirée le week-end, partir en vacances, passer de bons moments en famille, sont autant d'amusements pleinement satisfaisants.
Jeunes, arrêtons. Nourrissons notre cerveau, sachons nous servir de nos mains et faire ce que nous aimons, pour le bien. Le monde s'en portera bien mieux, croyez moi !
Je souhaite que toutes ces personnes qui se détruisent et qui détruisent leur entourage, de retrouver un jour un peu de raison, et surtout beaucoup de courage pour un nouveau départ.
Une âme en peine.
Pre-Scriptum: I apologize in advance if this article offends some.
Twenty years' questionning.
What have I done with my life so far?
When we are young, we often think that in order to enjoy life, we have to "play" (note the quotes in here, you'll understand later).
For some, having fun is being through the streets, do drugs, sex (whores), easy money, alcohol ...
Friends, I acknowledge here a total lack of conscience, and above all a total ignorance.
Because after the "burst head with alcohol", after smoking the weed, after fucking the whore and when the stolen money is spent, what do you have left?
When we are young, we often think that in order to enjoy life, we have to "play" (note the quotes in here, you'll understand later).
For some, having fun is being through the streets, do drugs, sex (whores), easy money, alcohol ...
Friends, I acknowledge here a total lack of conscience, and above all a total ignorance.
Because after the "burst head with alcohol", after smoking the weed, after fucking the whore and when the stolen money is spent, what do you have left?
Ah? You have something? You don't. You have nothing left.
Oh sorry, my mistake ... You do have something ... Several things:
loneliness, the pain of regret and guilt, STD collected into whores' ass, and you, your vacuum and your discomfort.
I came here to make the trial of this false and destructive idea: No, fun is not being destroyed.
Let's invest in safe values, let's feed our brain, let's serve with our hands in order to enrich our lives and hence that others'. You can have fun without abusing, partying on weekends, going on holiday, spending quality time with your family : these are all fully satisfactory amusements.
Stop. Let us use our hands and do what we love, for the good. The world will get better, believe me!
I wish to all those people who destroy themselves and destroy their family, that one day they find some reason, and a lot of courage to a fresh start.
Oh sorry, my mistake ... You do have something ... Several things:
loneliness, the pain of regret and guilt, STD collected into whores' ass, and you, your vacuum and your discomfort.
I came here to make the trial of this false and destructive idea: No, fun is not being destroyed.
Let's invest in safe values, let's feed our brain, let's serve with our hands in order to enrich our lives and hence that others'. You can have fun without abusing, partying on weekends, going on holiday, spending quality time with your family : these are all fully satisfactory amusements.
Stop. Let us use our hands and do what we love, for the good. The world will get better, believe me!
I wish to all those people who destroy themselves and destroy their family, that one day they find some reason, and a lot of courage to a fresh start.
A lost soul.
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